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What is Remote Sensing?

by Team Goseeko
  • A Science and art of collecting information about objects, area from long or short distance without doing any physical contact with them is called remote sensing.
  • It is Advanced technology in which satellites , Air craft, Spacecraft are common platforms for collecting the information about the earth’s surface.
  • This is an outcome of developments in various technological fields from 1960 onward.
  • One carries collection of data by highly sophisticated sensors like camera, radar, etc. and the information carrier is the electromagnetic energy.

Basic Principle of Remote Sensing:

  • In remote sensing, the use of electromagnetic energy for the determination of the characteristics of the object is basically involved.
  • Detecting and recording of radiant energy reflected by objects. Various objects return the different amount and the kind of energy in different bands of electromagnetic spectrum which is incident upon it.

Basic Components of Remote Sensing system:

Following are the basic components of an ideal remote sensing system:

  1. A uniform energy source
  2. A super Sensor
  3. A non-interfering atmosphere
  4. Multiple data users
  5. A real-time data handling system

Importance and use of Remote Sensing:

  • Remote sensing is the method of collecting and interpreting information about terrain and other objects from a distance without being in a physical contact with the objects.
  • Remote sensing involves the use of electromagnetic energy for the characteristics determination of the object.
  • In remote sensing, One obtains the imagery with a sensor. One uses special techniques in remote sensing to process and interpret remote sensing imagery to obtain conventional maps, resource surveys etc.
  • It collects information about geology, geography, forestry agriculture etc. and has a vast application in exploring of natural resources.
  • Remote Sensing has application in the study of natural hazards such as earthquakes, landslides and land subsidence.

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