Goseeko blog

What is the Approximate Estimate Method?

by Team Goseeko

Estimate method: It gives the approximate cost of the work and is prepared on the basis of the cost of similar works carried out in the past. Approximate estimate is preliminary or rough estimate.

It is used to find out an approximate cost in a short time and thus enable the responsible authority concerned to consider the financial aspect of the scheme for sanction to the same.

Such approximate estimates are prepared using different methods for different types of works.

Purpose of Approximate Estimate Method:

  1. To investigate feasibility, save time and money
  2. To investigate benefit t with utility
  3. Adjustment of planning
  4. To obtain administrative approval
  5. For insurance and tax schedule

Methods of Approximate Estimate:

  1. Plinth area method
  2. Cubic rate method
  3. Approximate quantities with bill method
  4. Service unit method

1. Plinth area method:

To prepare an estimate by this method the plinth area of the building shall be determined first. Plinth area may also have to be worked out from the floor area or carpet area of the building.

2. Cubic rate method:

The cubic rate for estimating a building is more general than the plinth area method because cost of building depends not only on plinth area but also on volume of building.

3. Approximate quantities with bill method:

Multiply the total length of wall of building in running meter by cost of construction per meter length of such wall. Total length of the wall building is worked out from the plan.

4. Service unit method:

In this method all costs of unit quantity such as per km of for highway per meter of span for bridge per classroom for school buildings per bed for hospital per litre of water tank etc.

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