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Matrices have a wide range of applications in various disciplines such as chemistry, Biology, Engineering, Statistics, economics, etc.

Graph theory is intimately related to many branches of mathematics. It is widely applied in subjects like, Computer Technology, Communication Science, Electrical Engineering, Physics, Architecture, Operations Research, Economics, Sociology, Genetics, etc. In the earlier stages it was called slum Topology. It also has uses in social sciences, chemical sciences, information retrieval systems, linguistics even in economics also.

A non-empty set R, equipped with two binary operations, called addition (+) and multiplication (.) is …

In calculus, the definite and indefinite integrals are the types of integration used to integrate the functions. The function can be exponential, power, logarithmic, constant, polynomial, or linear. These types of integral are used frequently to determine the area under the curve.

The simplex method is one of the most powerful and popular linear programming methods. The simplex …

Overview(Maxima and minima)- A function f(x) is said to be maximum at x = a if …

Sample space: Set of all possible outcomes of a random experiment is known as sample space and we denote it by S, and the

Pigeonhole principle-If n pigeonholes are occupied by n + 1 or more pigeons, then at least one pigeonhole is occupied by more than one pigeon.

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An equation consisting of a differential coefficient is called a differential equation.

The degree of curvedness is used to determine the shape of a plane curve. Curvature is the measure of rate of change in of curvedness.

Chinese remainder theorem- Once a Chinese riddle asks the following question- Is there a positive integer x such that when x is divided by 3 it yields a remainder 2, when x is divided by 5 it yields a remainder 4, and when x is divided by 7 it yields a remainder 6?

Taylor’s series is considered as an expansion of a function into an infinite sum of terms.

The method of variation of parameters is the general method which we use to find out a particular solution of a differential equation by replacing the constants in the solution of the homogeneous differential equation by functions and evaluating these functions so that the original DE will be satisfied.

The exponential distribution is a continuous probability distribution and it is a widely used distribution in various fields such as engineering, research, data sciences etc.

When the changes in one variable are associated or followed by change in the other, we say that there is a correlation between the two. Such data connecting two variables is called a bivariate population.

When one task is to be assigned to one person in such a way that the total person hours are minimized, then this kind of problem is known as assignment problem.

The consumer price index measures the amount of money which consumers of a particular class have to pay to get a basket of goods & services at a particular point of time in comparison to what they paid for the same in the base period.