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The term "Application Software" refers to software that runs in response to a user's request.

HTML is a text formatting language for creating and displaying Web pages that's widely used in the business.

The abstract data type is a form of data that has a set of values and actions that determine its behaviour.

An algorithm is made up of a finite number of stages, each of which may involve one or more actions.

The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is a machine that is abstract. It's a runtime environment for executing Java bytecode.

A Local Area Network is a group of computers and peripheral devices connected in a local area, such as a school, laboratory, house, or workplace.

The Leaky Bucket Algorithm is primarily responsible for controlling the total volume and rate of traffic supplied to the network.

The following is a timeline of an operating system's evolution: serial processing, Batch System, Time-Shared OS etc.

All Computer Blogs

Java is an object-oriented programming language that uses a virtual machine platform to generate and run applications.

The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is a machine that is abstract. It's a runtime environment for executing Java bytecode.

Java is an object-oriented programming language that uses a virtual machine platform to generate and run applications.

HTML tags are similar to keywords in that they specify how a web browser will format and display text.

A queue is a linear structure that performs operations in a specific order.

Decoders are combinational circuits that convert binary data into 2N output lines.

The abbreviation for Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) is Java Database Connectivity.

Want to learn how to code for free? Discover ways to learn coding for free online at home. In this article, we will discuss the top 10 free online resources to learn coding.

A database management system is a software application that enables users to quickly construct, design, and edit databases.