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What is DBMS Architecture?

by Bhumika

A database architecture is a graphic illustration of the design of a database management system. It aids in the development, implementation, and upkeep of the database management system. In addition, A database management system (DBMS) design allows for the division of a database system into discrete components that may be modified, changed, replaced, and adjusted individually. It also aids in the comprehension of database components.

Therefore, A database is a type of storage system that allows users to access data quickly and securely. As a result, choosing the right DBMS architecture aids in data administration that is simple and efficient.

Types  of DBMS Architecture

There are three types of architecture :

  1. 1-tier Architecture 
  2. 2-tier Architecture
  3. 3-tier Architecture

1-tier Architecture

The simplest database architecture is a one-tier architecture, in which the client, server, and database all reside on the same machine. On the other hand, Installing a database in your system and accessing it to practice SQL queries is a simple one-tier architecture example. However, such architecture is rarely apply in manufacturing.

2-tier Architecture

Most importantly, the 2-Tier architecture is similar to the client-server base. Applications on the client end will interact directly with the database on the server side inside the two-tier architecture. further, For this interaction, APIs are used as follows: ODBC, JDBC. On the client side, the user interfaces and application programmes are run. In addition, The server side is responsible for providing functionality such as query processing and handling of transactions. And Client-side software creates a connection to the server side to interact with the DBMS.

3-tier Architecture

Another layer between the client and the server is contain in the 3-Tier architecture. In this architecture, the client is unable to communicate with the server directly. further, The client-end programme interacts with an application server that communicates further with the database system. 

Additionally, The end user has no knowledge of the life of the database outside the server of the application. There is also no idea of any other users outside the programme in the database. For wide web applications, the 3-Tier architecture is using.

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