Goseeko blog

What is a Compiler?

by Team Goseeko

A code is converted source code written in a high-level programming language to machine code(such as Java) into machine code for a specific computer architecture (such as the Intel Pentium architecture). The generated machine code can then be run several times with different data each time.

A compiler is a software program that converts pre-programmed code into a more simple machine language that is similar to the hardware’s “bare metal” and more readable by the computer. 

Features of compilers

  • Maintaining the right interpretation of the code
  • The speed of the target code
  • Understand prototypes for legal and illegal systems
  • Good documentation / management of errors
  • Correctness
  • Speed of compilation
  • Code debugging help

Task of compilers

Tasks which are performed by compilers :

  • Divides the source programme into parts and imposes on them a grammatical structure.
  • Makes it possible to create the desired from the intermediate representation.
  • target programme and also create the symbol table.
  • Compiles and detects source code errors.
  • Storage of all variables and codes is handled.
  • Different compilations are supported.
  • Learn, interpret, and translate the entire programme to a semantically equivalent.
  • Depending on the computer sort, conversion of the source code into object code.

Phase of compilers

The method of compilation includes the sequence of different stages. Each phase takes a source programme in one representation and produces output in another representation. From its previous stage, each process takes input. 

The various stages of the compiler take place :

  • Lexical Analysis
  • Syntax Analysis
  • Semantic Analysis
  • Intermediate Code Generation
  • Code Optimisation
  • Code Generation 

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