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What are the Features of the OS?

by Bhumika

An operating system (OS) is a piece of software that serves as a link between the user and the computer hardware.To run other programmes, every computer must have at least one os. In addition, Chrome, Microsoft Word, Games, and other programmes all require a specific environment to run and do their functions. Moreover, You can communicate with a computer without learning its language thanks to the os. A computer or mobile device cannot used without first installing an os.

Features of Operating System

Each of the following functions are perform software in an os:

  • Process management – The os can create and terminate processes via process management. It also contains communication and process collaboration tools.
  • Memory management – The memory management module is responsible for allocating and releasing memory space to programmes that require it.
  • File management – It is responsible for all file-related tasks such as file organization, storage, retrieval, naming, sharing, and protection.
  • Device Management – This feature maintains track of all of your gadgets. The I/O controller is another module that is responsible for this duty. It is also responsible for device allocation and deallocation.
  • I/O System Management – One of the main goals of every os is to hide the user from the distinctive characteristics of the hardware devices.
  • Secondary-Storage Management – Systems include many storage tiers, such as primary, secondary, and cache storage. Instructions and data must retained in primary storage or cache so that a running application can refer to them.
  • Security – The security module safeguards a computer system’s data and information from malware threats and unauthorized access.
  • Command interpretation – This module interprets user commands and processes them using system resources.
  • Networking – A scattered system is a collection of processors that don’t share memory, hardware, or a clock. The network allows the processors to communicate with one another.
  • Job accounting – It is the process of keeping track of how much time and resources are spent on different jobs and users.
  • Communication management – The coordination and assignment of compilers, interpreters, and other software resources among computer users is refer to as communication management.


  • Firstly, By constructing an abstraction, you can hide hardware information.
  • With a GUI, it’s simple to use.
  • Users can utilize this platform to run programmes and apps.
  • The computer system’s os must be simple to use.
  • The os acts as a link between software and hardware components.
  • It provides an easy-to-use format for computer system resources.
  • Acts as a bridge between all of the system’s hardware and software.


  • Firstly, You may lose all of your data if your os malfunctions
  • The os software is relatively expensive for small businesses, which adds to their burden. Consider Windows.
  • Because a threat can strike at any time, no one is ever truly safe.

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