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Commerce Blogs

Commerce includes all the activities right from manufacturing the products to selling it to the consumers.

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Memorandum of Association is a legal document that must be submitted to the company’s registration body …

Job Costing is a method of costing using continuously identifiable units, applicable materials that directly drive the production process.

Fundamental Rights are essential human rights that are offered to every citizen irrespective of caste ,race …

A financial market is a place of business in which various types of bonds and securities are traded.

Each time an accounting transaction is created, at least two accounts are always affected, a Debit and Credit.

Accounting equations are equations used to understand the impact of relationships in financial activities within a company.

There are some conceptual issues that need to be understood in order to lay a solid foundation on how accounting works.

Trading Account help us to determine the gross profit or total loss of business concerns, created strictly from trading activities.

All Commerce Blogs

There are 7 types of Leaderships styles which one can follow.

Shares are a unit of ownership of a company that exists in the form of dividends, …

Discounting of Bills of Exchange is another popular type of loan by modern banks.

The functions of Lok Sabha are described in the following: 1. Legislation Its legislative powers and …

The characteristics or high-quality required for records play a main assisting function inside the usefulness of choice making.

A financial market is a place of business in which various types of bonds and securities are traded.

Short-term Investment Pool (STIP) is cash, an investment pool established by Regents in 1976.All university endowment groups

Accounting is as old as money itself. As a child, commercial activities were based on barter systems, so record keeping was not necessary.

Derivatives are financial contracts whose value is linked to the worth of the underlying asset