The term human–computer interaction (HCI) is used widespread since early 1980s.
Second World War provided impetus for studying the interaction between humans and machines, as each side tried to produce more effective weapons systems.
- This led to wave of interest in area among researchers.
- As computer use became more widespread, researchers studying interaction between people and computers with psychological, physical and theoretical aspects.
- Originally known as man–machine interaction.
- Later it became human–computer interaction in recognition of particular interest in computers and composition of user population.
- Study of how people use computers throughout their life.
- HCI draws on many disciplines, but it is in central concern in computer science and systems design.
- For all other disciplines it can be specialism but for system design it is an essential part of design process.
- From this perspective, HCI involves design, implementation and evaluation of interactive systems in the context of user’s task and work.
- when we talk about human–computer interaction, we do not necessarily imagine single user with a desktop computer.
- A user can be an individual user, a group of users working together, or a sequence of users in an organization, each dealing with some part of the task or process.
- The user is whoever is trying to get the job done using the technology.
- A computer can be any technology ranging from general desktop to large-scale computer system, process control system or embedded system.
- System may include non-computerized parts, including other people.
- An interaction can be any communication between a user and computer, direct or indirect.
Discipline involved in HCI

- Human have limited capacity to process the information so multitasking comes in picture.
- HCI includes the design stage which involves studying the principles of human behavior.
- In this modern era, technological systems are an integral part of our daily lives.
- So, it’s important to understand & learn how design of particular system can affect perception, behavior.
- By correctly designing interfaces, efficiency can be improved and effectively while improving user satisfaction and reduce errors.

Importance of HCI
Principles of HCI
Norman’s Seven Principles
- Use both knowledge in world & knowledge in head
- Simplify task structures.
- Make things visible
- Get the mapping right (User mental model = Conceptual model = Designed model)
- Convert constrains into advantages (Physical constraints, Cultural constraints, Technological constraints)
- Design for Error
- When all else fails –Standardize
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