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What are Applications of DSP?

by Sonali

There are many applications of DSP in the present era. Few of them are in detail below. If we consider an audio system which tends to operate for a range of frequency in audible range. To achieve this more than one speaker driver is required. Hence, to cover the full range of frequency we require horns and cones. 

For example twitter uses high frequency and woofer tends to operate at low frequency. A parallel combination of digital LPF and HPF is connected to split the audio signal in two bands. Then after amplification of these split signals they go to respective speaker drives.   

Applications of DSP

Interference cancellation in electrocardiography

In ECG recording, there is often unwanted 60 hertz interference in the recorded data. The analysis show that the interference comes from the power line and include magnetic induction.

Displacement current in liquids or in the body of the patient, effects from equipment interconnections, and other imperfections. Although using proper grounding minimizes such 60 Hz effect, another effective choice can be use of a digital notch filter, which eliminates the 60 hertz interference while keeping all the other useful information. Figure illustrates A 60 hertz interference eliminator using a digital notch filter. With such enhanced ECG recording, doctors in clinics could give accurate diagnosis for patients.

Speech coding and compression

One of the speech coding methods, is waveform coding, as in figure, describing the onboarding process, while figure shows the recording process.

As in figure the analogue signal is firstly passes through an analogue low pass filter to remove high frequency noise components. After that the signal passes through the analog to digital converter. Also, their DS processor captures the digital values. 

Next the capture data compressed using data compression rules to reduce the storage requirements. Finally, after the compression digital information goes to storage media.

After compression the transmission of digital information is efficient, since compression reduces the original data rate. Digital voice recorders, digital audio recorders, and MP3 players are products that use compression techniques.

To retrieve the information we apply the river’s process. As shown in figure the DS processor decompresses the data from the storage media and sends the recovered data to DAC. The analogue output comes by filtering the DAC output by the reconstruction filter.

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