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The registers are formed using a group of flip flops. The shift registers are mainly used for transferring data or storing multiple bits.

The State transition matrix is that matrix whose product with the state vector at initial time gives the value of variable x for time t.

Cell splitting in mobile communication is the process in which the bigger cells split up into smaller ones.

An Analog to Digital converter is an electronic device which is used to convert analog signal into digital signal.

A Digital to Analog converter is an electronic device which converts digital signal to analog signal. The digital signals are in the form 0,1.

A function is said to be positive Real function if it has all the poles and zeros on the left half of the S-plane. Re[ H(jw) ] >=0 for all ‘w’

DC Potentiometer is an instrument which measures voltage, current and resistance. It can be used to calibrate ammeter and voltmeter.

Nyquist Stability Criterion gives the frequency response as well as comments on the stability and the relative stability of the system.

All Electronics Blogs

The microprocessor 8086 minimum mode and maximum mode operation is decided by signal MN/MX’. When the signal MN/MX’ = 1 the 8086 minimum mode is active.

Nyquist Stability Criterion gives the frequency response as well as comments on the stability and the relative stability of the system.

An Analog to Digital converter is an electronic device which is used to convert analog signal into digital signal.

A multiple access protocol used for transmitting data through a shared network is called ALOHA.

Norton’s equivalent is obtained by source conversion of Thevenin’s equivalent circuit. The short circuit current is then given as Isc=Vth/Rth

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The concept of data communication in GPRS is similar to the GSM network. GPRS has data rates of 9.6 to 171 kbps.

CMOS is a new type of MOSFET logic is made combining both the PMOS and NMOS processes and is called complementary MOS.

In Huffman Coding the input is assigned a variable length code. The smallest code is assigned to the character which occurs the most.