The registers are formed using a group of flip flops. The shift registers are mainly used for transferring data or storing multiple bits.
The State transition matrix is that matrix whose product with the state vector at initial time gives the value of variable x for time t.
An Analog to Digital converter is an electronic device which is used to convert analog signal into digital signal.
A Digital to Analog converter is an electronic device which converts digital signal to analog signal. The digital signals are in the form 0,1.
A function is said to be positive Real function if it has all the poles and zeros on the left half of the S-plane. Re[ H(jw) ] >=0 for all ‘w’
Cell splitting in mobile communication is the process in which the bigger cells split up into smaller ones.
DC Potentiometer is an instrument which measures voltage, current and resistance. It can be used to calibrate ammeter and voltmeter.
Nyquist Stability Criterion gives the frequency response as well as comments on the stability and the relative stability of the system.
UPS are used widely in order to receive a continuous supply when there is no main supply available.
Willing to get a job in this industry? Check us out, we have discussed ways how to land a job after Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
The Non-Conventional Energy Sources are those which are available for us at any time and are free of cost.
These standards mainly represent the units of measurements which are close to the possible accuracy with help of present day technological.
The clipper circuits are basically used to clip the portion of any input signal without changing the remaining part of the input waveform.
The registers are formed using a group of flip flops. The shift registers are mainly used for transferring data or storing multiple bits.
The convolution theorem states that the transform of convolution of f1(t) and f2(t) is the product of individual transforms F1(s) and F2(s).
A function is said to be positive Real function if it has all the poles and zeros on the left half of the S-plane. Re[ H(jw) ] >=0 for all ‘w’
Crystal Oscillator is specially designed in a circuit to provide low impedance when it operates in series-resonant mode and high impedance.