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Norton’s equivalent is obtained by source conversion of Thevenin’s equivalent circuit. The short circuit current is then given as Isc=Vth/Rth

The concept of data communication in GPRS is similar to the GSM network. GPRS has data rates of 9.6 to 171 kbps.

Synchronous counter is designed to count the number of clock pulses. This counter is clocked with the same clock signal and at the same time

These standards mainly represent the units of measurements which are close to the possible accuracy with help of present day technological.

Errors may rise from different sources and are classified as gross error, systematic error and random errors.

The K-Map is used to simplify the Boolean Functions in a very easy way. The K-Map was introduced by Karnaugh. 

A number system is a way of writing any number. It can be represented by using any symbols or digits. It provides distinctive representation.

A single-phase induction motor has a cage winding on its rotor and single phase winding on the stator. The size of these motors is very small.

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The Programmable Interrupt controller is also known as PIC micro-controller. It is used as interfacing device. It has different operating modes.

The Conventional Energy Sources are helpful in producing electrical power generation from Hydro, Thermal, Nuclear and Diesel power stations.

The PLA consists of two programmable arrays, one of which is Programmable AND array and Programmable OR array

The precision rectifier has the capability of rectifying voltages which are of smaller magnitude than the forward voltage drop.

The 8051 interrupts are INT0, INT1,TO ,T1 , TI/RI. All these interrupts are controlled by IE (interrupt enable) register.

The convolution theorem states that the transform of convolution of f1(t) and f2(t) is the product of individual transforms F1(s) and F2(s).

The Delta Modulation has step size much smaller after quantization and also the sampling rate is much higher.

The K-Map is used to simplify the Boolean Functions in a very easy way. The K-Map was introduced by Karnaugh. 

The flip flop are the memory elements which are used in clocked sequential circuits. They store one bit of information.