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What is the difference between Call by Value and Call by References?

by Bhumika

Call  by value – In this parameter passing technique, actual parameter values are copy to function formal parameters, and the two types of parameters are stores in different memory locations. 

Call  by references – Because both the actual and formal parameters relate to the same locations, any changes perform within the function are mirror in the caller’s actual parameters.

Differences  between Call by Value and Call by References 

Call by ValueCall by Reference
Firstly, Variable values are passed to a function when it is called. These functions are referred to as “Call By Values.We send the address of variables (the location of variables) to the function known as “Call By References” instead of giving it the values of variables.
Secondly, The value of each variable in the calling function is transferred into the called function’s corresponding fake variables in this procedure.This process copies the addresses of genuine variables in the calling code into dummy variables in the called function.
In call by values, we can’t change the values of actual variables using function calls.We can update the values of variables in call by reference using function calls.
Simple approach is used to pass variable values.To hold the address values of variables, pointer variables must be defined.
The original value has not been changed.The original value has been changed.
Changes to a variable’s copy never affect the value of the variable outside the function.The value of the variable outside the function is affected by changes in the variable.
Many computer languages, such as C++, have this as the default. PHP. C# and Visual Basic NET.Most programming languages, such as JAVA, support it, although not by default.

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