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White Screens Are The New Blackboards: Digital Learning In India

by Team Goseeko

The current uncertain times have highlighted a lot of pressing concerns, one of them being online education vs. offline education. Everyone desires change, but very few are willing to make genuine efforts to actually adapt to it. And, when a centuries-old educational system is in question, it’s even tougher to shake off conservative thinking and allow technology to change it for the better.

They say that necessity is the mother of invention, and the pandemic has been proof of this. The shift from classroom sessions to online tuitions was already in process, but it was a slow development. Initially, many parents, teachers and even students resisted the idea of online education. But, the pandemic has compelled us to see past our insecurities, and has helped us embrace a better, certainly a more efficient way of learning.

Here are some of the advantages of online collaborative learning that will help settle the age-old online learning vs. classroom learning debate-

Benefits Of Online Classes:

1. Multiple Responsibilities – No Problem:

Today’s demanding world requires students to be adept at multiple things in order to gain a competitive edge. Equal importance is given to theoretical education and experiential learning. Meaning that students have to put their learning into practice through internships and working on live projects. With online learning, they can easily juggle between classes and work, all while making the most of both. As the students aren’t tied down by specific time schedules, they can tend to other equally important commitments – be it personal or professional. They can even explore their various interests in order to choose the right career path.

2. The Gift Of Remote Learning:

The biggest advantage of online learning is, hands down, the geographical flexibility. The lockdown forced us to figure out a way to keep progressing while being confined within four walls. The challenge was presented, and many of the institutions and universities in India toppled it brilliantly. Online systems were set up in a matter of days to help students continue learning. Be it minutes or miles away – students are now working towards obtaining their degrees and certificates, while being safe and sound in their homes. Moreover, spending more time around friends and family is contributing to their emotional well-being!

3. Keep Studying. Keep Saving:

Online education means adding more to your savings with each class you attend. Students save big on commuting, especially now that the petrol prices are skyrocketing. The geographical flexibility also makes for a financial advantage as students can escape the high accommodation and food costs when they move to new locations. Another financial benefit is that the digital versions of study materials are easily available and do not cost as much as their paper-based versions.

4. Exposure To Expertise & Different Cultures:

The beauty of online education lies in the fact that it opens up a hundred promising avenues for students. They can opt for specialized degree courses that may not be offered by their local universities. They can attend short-term courses and webinars conducted by experts of their chosen field – the possibilities here are truly endless. Online education also provides students with the unique opportunity of participating in collaborative projects. Through these interactive assignments, they can network with students from different countries and cultures, and get a better understanding of the challenges and opportunities of the global industry.

5. Prepare For The Digital Future:

Just as remote working saved the present, remote learning is all set to save the future. How?By preparing students for a digital tomorrow. 2020 has been a year of digital transformation for multiple industries, and this evolution is here to stay. Learning online can help students acquire the technical skills they are sure to need in their future job; this includes – being handy with different software, communicating online effectively through Video / Audio Conferencing or Emails, and conducting thorough research online. Online education is the key to unlocking students’ true potential and to best prepare them for what’s to come.

Subscribe to Goseeko, one of the best E-learning Apps in India

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