Goseeko blog

What is Monopoly?

by Team Goseeko

The word monopoly has been derived from the combination of two words i.e., ‘Mono’ and ‘Poly’. Mono refers to a single and poly to control.

Thus, monopoly refers to a market situation in which there is only one seller of a commodity.

In a monopoly market, a single firm or one seller controls the entire market. The firm has all the market power, so he can set the prices to earn more profit as the consumers do not have any alternative.


“Pure monopoly is represented by a market situation in which there is a single seller of a product for which there are no substitutes; this single seller is unaffected by and does not affect the prices and outputs of other products sold in the economy.” Bilas

“Monopoly is a market situation in which there is a single seller. There are no close substitutes of the commodity it produces, there are barriers to entry”. –Koutsoyiannis

“A pure monopoly exists when there is only one producer in the market. There are no direct competitions.” –Ferguson


  1. One seller and a large number of buyers -in a monopoly one seller produces all of the output for a good or service. The entire market is served by a single firm. For practical purposes the firm is the same as the industry. But the number of buyers is assumed to be large.
  2. No Close Substitutes – There are no close substitutes for the product sold by the monopolist. The cross elasticity of demand between the product of the monopolist and others must be negligible or zero.
  3. Difficulty of Entry of New Firms – There are restrictions on the entry of firms into the industry, even when the firm is making abnormal profits. Other sellers are unable to enter the market of the monopoly
  4. Profit maximizer: a monopoly maximizes profits. Due to the lack of competition a firm can charge a set price above what would be charged in a competitive market, thereby maximizing its revenue.
  5. Price Maker – Under monopoly, monopolists have full control over the supply of the commodity. The price is set by determining the quantity in order to demand the price desired by the firm. Therefore, buyers have to pay the price fixed by the monopolist.

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