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What is Free Energy?

by Joy_Chemistry

In physics and physical chemistry, free energy refers to the amount of internal energy in a thermodynamic system that is available to do work.

Therefore There are different forms of thermodynamic free energy:

Additionally Gibbs free energy is the energy that can be converted into work. in a system with constant temperature and constant pressure.

The equation for the Gibbs free energy is:

G = H – TS

where G is the Gibbs free energy, H is the enthalpy, T is the temperature and S is the entropy.

Helmholtz energy is the energy that can be converted into work at constant temperature and constant volume.

The equation for Helmholtz is:

A = U – TS

where A is the Helmholtz energy, U is the internal energy of the system, T is the absolute temperature (Kelvin) and S is the entropy of the system.

However Landauer explains that the energy of an open system where the particles and energy can be exchanged within the environment and its system.

Therefore Landau’s equation is:

Ω = A μN = U TS μN

where N is the number of particles and μ is the chemical potential.

Variation Free Energy

In information theory, Variation is a construct useful in Variational Bayesian Methods. However these methods are useful to approximate persistent integrals for statistics and machine learning.

In environmental and economic science, the term is sometimes refer to renewable resources or any energy.

However that does not require monetary payment.It can also refer to that powers that a hypothetical perpetual motion machine holds

Such a device dont obey the laws of thermodynamic, which is why this definition currently refers to pseudoscience rather than hard science.

However Changes in free energy, F or ΔG, are useful in determining the direction of spontaneous change.

Therefore calculate the maximum work that can be got from thermodynamic processes involving chemical or other reactions.

In thermodynamics, property similar to the energy or state function of a system in thermodynamic equilibrium

However the dimensions of energy and its value is determined by the state of the system more than its history.

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