Goseeko blog

What is Entropy?

by Team Goseeko


It was Introduced by the German Physicist Rudolf Clausius in 1850, and is a highlight of 19th century Physics. The word “entropy” is originates from the Greek word, meaning “turning”.

Additionally, the second law of thermodynamics states the total entropy of a closed system cannot decrease. However, within a system, entropy of one system can decrease by raising entropy of another system.

However, some scientists predict the entropy of the universe will increase to the point where the randomness creates a system incapable of useful work. In other words it was present to provide a quantitative measure for the spontaneous changes

Entropy Introduction:

Clausius introduced the concept of as a precise way of expressing the Second Law of Thermodynamics,

In other words, Clausius form of the second law states that spontaneous change for an irreversible process in an isolated system is a measure of randomness or irregularity or disorder of the system, the more or the randomness, higher is the entropy.

Solid state has the lowest or least, the gaseous state has the highest entropy and the liquid state lies between the two.

Therefore , it is a function of state .

The change in Entropy value is its change of the process

ΔS = S2 -S1 = ∑S products – ∑S reactants 

  1. Additionally, Whenever a particular surrounding and also a system that shows heat absorption, The molecules begin to move faster beacuse of increase in kinetic energy . Disorder increases. Greater the heat absorbed, greater will be the disorder.

2) For equal amount of heat absorbed at low temperature, The disorder shows more value at high temperature. This proves that the change is inversely proportional to temperature.

ΔS = eve / T

The change in Entropy in a process is the quantity of heat (q) absorbed isothermally and reversibly divided by absolute Temperature (T).

The concept is scientific and also shows physical properties that are generally associated with the randomness, uncertainity and state of order.

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