Goseeko blog

What is Disinfection ?

by Team Goseeko

Disinfection is a process of cleaning water to destroy bacteria and all the microorganisms. It is also prevents their growth to make the water safe for consumption. In the process both harmful and harmless bacteria are killed. After the process of filtration is completed the water stall can have the same impurities like bacteria, dissolve inorganic salt colour, odour and taste and iron and manganese so it is necessary to disinfect the water before it is sent for consumption through the distribution system. 

Factors affect the efficiency of the process of disinfection:

  1. Physical factor
  2. Types of disinfectants
  3. Biological factor

Physical factor: In physical factor the temperature, pH, humidity and hardness of water affect the efficiency of disinfection.

Types of disinfectants:

In the types of disinfectant the concentration and potency of the disinfectants also affect the efficiency of disinfection. Sodium hydrochloride, Chlorine dioxide, peracetic acid and iodophors are commonly used for disinfection of water.

Biological factor: In biological factors the number and location of the microorganisms their resistance affect the efficiency of disinfection.


  1. Boiling
  2. Excess lime treatment
  3. Iodine and bromine treatment
  4. Ozone treatment
  5. Silver treatment
  6. Ultra-violet treatment

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