The simplex method is one of the most powerful and popular linear programming methods. The simplex …
When the changes in one variable are associated or followed by change in the other, we say that there is a correlation between the two. Such data connecting two variables is called a bivariate population.
Before studying about permutation and combination, we will have to know about factorial.The product of the positive integers from 1 to n is denoted by n! And we read it as “factorial “
Let X and Y are two sets. A relation f from X to Y is said to be a function if for every x ∈ X there is a unique element y ∈ Y, such that (x, y) ∈ X
Shares and mutual funds-Share is the smallest unit of the capital of a company. In other words, A unit of ownership, that represents an equal proportion of a company’s capital is called as shares.
The consumer price index measures the amount of money which consumers of a particular class have to pay to get a basket of goods & services at a particular point of time in comparison to what they paid for the same in the base period.
Integration is the reverse process of differentiation. It is also called anti-differentiation.
For drawing less than cumulative frequency polygon or curve (or less than ogive), first of all the cumulative frequencies are plotted against the values (upper limits of the class intervals) up to which they correspond and then we simply join the points by line segments, curve thus obtained is known as less than ogive.
An equated monthly instalment(EMI) is a fixed payment amount made by a borrower to a lender at a specified date each calendar month.
A matrix is the rectangular arrangement of arrays, that we arrange in rows and columns. the term “Matrix” was coined by James Joseph Sylvester in 1850. In this blog we are going to discuss about the matrix operations
Skewness is one of the most important topics in mathematical statistics. The word skewness means lack of symmetry
Numerical integration is the method to calculate the approximate value of the integral by using numerical techniques.
Basically correlation is the measurement of the strength of a linear relationship between two variables say x and y.
The degree of curvedness is used to determine the shape of a plane curve. Curvature is the measure of rate of change in of curvedness.
Overview(Maxima and minima)- A function f(x) is said to be maximum at x = a if …
A Maclaurin series is a special case of Taylor series. The Taylor’s series is an expansion of a particular function about a point ‘a’.
The differential equations having function of the same degree are said to be homogeneous differential equations.