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What is Unit Testing?

by Bhumika

The smallest unit of software design—the software component or module—is the subject of unit testing. Important control pathways are check using the component-level design description as a reference to find faults within the module’s boundary. The narrow scope defined for unit testing limits the relative complexity of tests and uncovers mistakes. The unit test is white-box focus, and numerous components can be tested simultaneously.

Unit Test procedures

Unit testing is usually thought of as an afterthought to the coding process. UT case design occurs when source level code had produced, reviewed, and checked for conformity to component level design. A review of the design information can help you create test scenarios that are likely to find faults in each of the categories mentioned previously. Further, Each test case should be accompanied by a set of anticipated outcomes.

Because a component is not a standalone application, each unit test requires the development of driver and/or stub software. Moreover, The unit testing environment is depict in the diagram above. A driver is just a “main program” that accepts test case data, passes it to the component (to be test), and prints relevant results in most applications. Stubs are uses to replace subordinate (called by) modules in the component testing.

A stub or “dummy subprogram” uses the interface of the subordinate module, performs minimal data modification, prints entry verification, and then returns control to the module being testing. Overhead is represents drivers and stubs. That is, both are software that may produce (formal design is rarely use) but is not include in the final software product.

When a component with strong cohesiveness is design, unit testing is make easy. When a component just performs one function, the number of test cases is decrease, and faults are easier to foresee and detect.

Advantage of Unit Testing

  • It is possible to apply it directly to object code without having to process source code.
  • This metric is often uses performance profilers.


  • Some control structures are insensitive to it (number of iterations)
  • Does not indicate whether loops have reached their termination point.
  • The logical operators ( and &&) have no effect on statement coverage.

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