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What are HTML Tags?

by Bhumika

HTML tags are similar to keywords in that they specify how a web browser will format and display text. In addition, A web browser can tell the difference between HTML and plain content thanks to tags. Additionally, The opening tag, the content tag, and the closing tag are the three primary sections of an HTML tag. Some HTML tags, however, are not closing tags.

When a web browser scans an HTML document, it does so from left to right and from top to bottom. Further, To generate HTML documents and render their characteristics, HTML tags are employed. Each HTML tag has its own set of features.

Moreover, Some key tags must be present in an HTML file in order for a web browser to distinguish between plain text and HTML text. You can use as many tags as you need to meet the requirements of your code.

  • Firstly, Within these brackets, all HTML tags must be included.
  • Secondly, Every tag in HTML has a particular function.
  • If you’ve used an open tag (tag>), you’ll need to use a close tag (tag>/tag>) (except some tags).

Some HTML Tags

<html> – The root (top-level element) of an HTML page is represented by the HTML element, which is also known as the root element. This element must be the ancestor of all other elements.

<head> – The <head> HTML element holds machine-readable data about the document, such as the title, scripts, and style sheets.

<title> – The <title>  HTML element specifies the document’s title, which appears in the title bar of a browser or in the tab of a page. Tags within the element are ignored, therefore it simply includes text.

<body> – The content of an HTML document is represented by the <body> HTML element. In a document, there can only be one  element.

<h1> to <h6> – The HTML elements  <h1> to  <h6> denote six levels of section headings. The highest section level is <h1>, while the lowest is <h6>.

<p> – A paragraph is represented by the HTML element <p>. In visual media, paragraphs are typically portrayed as blocks of text separated by blank lines and/or first-line indentation, whereas HTML paragraphs can be any structural grouping of related material, such as photos or form fields. 

<br> – In text, the  <br> HTML element creates a line break (carriage-return). It’s beneficial when composing a poem or an address where the line division is important.

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