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What is SQL?

by Team Goseeko

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a database query language for processing, extracting, and updating data in relational databases. SQL comes in different versions and forms. All of these versions are based upon the ANSI SQL. Currently, MySQL is the most common programme for database management systems used for relational database management.

It is open-source, Oracle Company – supported database programme. In comparison to Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle Database, the database management system is fast, scalable, and easy to use. It is widely used for building efficient and interactive server-side or web-based business applications in combination with PHP scripts.

Characteristics of SQL

  • It is quick to learn SQL. 
  • For accessing data from relational database management systems, SQL is used. 
  • SQL will perform database queries against it. 
  • To describe data, SQL is used. 
  • SQL is used in the database to describe the data and manipulate it when appropriate. 
  • To build and drop the database and the table, SQL is used. 
  • SQL is used in a database to construct a view, a stored procedure, a function. 
  • SQL allows users to set tables, procedures, and display permissions.

Advantages of SQL

  • SQL is easy to learn and use.
  • SQL is a non-procedural language. It means we have to specify only what to retrieve and not the procedure for retrieving data.
  • SQL can be embedded within other languages using SQL modules, pre-compilers.
  • Allows creating procedure, functions, and views using PL-SQL.
  • Allows users to drop databases, tables, views, procedure and cursors.
  • Allows users to set access permissions on tables, views and procedures.

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