Goseeko blog

What is Critical Thinking?

by Team Goseeko

An ability to analyze information and experiences, in an objective way is Critical Thinking.  It contributes to health by aiding to understand and assess, the factors influencing the attitudes and behaviour, like media, values, and peer pressure.

Critical Thinking is the ability to think in such a way as-

  • To rely on reasons rather than emotions
  • To evaluate a broad range of viewpoints and perspectives.
  • To have an open mind for alternative interpretation.
  • Not come to judgement in haste
  • Keep away biases and personal grudges as well as prejudice
  • Explore new evidence, explanation and findings.
  • Accept to reassess information.

Steps to Critical Thinking

  1. Identify the Problem– The first task is to identify exactly what is a  problem. It is systematic weighing of pros and cons of the problem which is  to be stated and defined.
  2. Analyze the Problem–  The problem is to be looked at, from all angles and a variety of perspectives to come up, with a resolution right away.
  3. Brainstorm to come up with different possible solutions-  Brainstorm means to list various possible solutions. This will help to solve problems in  many ways.
  4. Decide the best solution to fit the situation-  Decision has to be taken to take possible solutions at the different situation because one solution does not usually work for the problem at hand.
  5. Take action. Implement the solution-  It is well known that a problem comes with a solution. So, instead of approaching problems and challenges as insurmountable obstacles, see them as a chance to sharpen critical thinking skills.

So critical thinking can be developed with perseverance and practice. It is an indication of a highly developed intelligence. One must use the brain and apply critical thinking skills to solve a problem or to find a solution.

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