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What is a Presentation?

by Team Goseeko

Be the presenter you would want to listen to” Cath Daley

Conversing or communicating with others is said to be a presentation. It is not acting but some sort of skills used by the presenter similar to those used by actors. Presentation is communicating the right information in an appropriate manner. That’s what presentation is all about. Many situations arise which require  giving a presentation. For example, a school principal giving parents a presentation about the newly introduced examination pattern & marking scheme for the students.

Purpose of Presentation.

The presentation is backed by a specific purpose, as somebody planning to give a speech on the present education system, it in fact a presentation. There are mainly two purposes of presentation:

  • General Purpose
  • Specific Purpose

General purpose: The general purpose of presentation are-

1.To inform: The main purpose of the presentation is to inform the audience about the change, new scheme or new rules & regulations in the organization. Example, a sales presentation aims to make the audience informed about the new product/service.

2.To motivate: Motivational presentation uses persuasion but depends mostly on stimulating the emotions & feelings of listeners as a method of inducing action.

3.To instruct: The aim behind the presentation is to give particular instructions/ orders. These kinds of presentations are lengthy as they cover the topic in depth.

4. To persuade; The purpose of presentation is to convince the listener to agree and accept a specific proposal. In order to achieve this a conscientious research to reveal the best available data on the topic.

Specific Purpose: The particular purpose identifies what the presenter wishes the audience to contemplate, ponder, believe, feel or do  as a result of listening to the presentation.

Types of Presentation

To meet the special needs there are many types of presentations. Some of them are:

1.Sales presentation: Here the presenter explains and outlines the features, benefits of the product and highlights the  reason as to why it has to be bought.

2. Status report: This kind of presentation includes the details of the progress, status and task force of a specific project including the suggestive guidelines.

3. Business plan/ strategy:  The outline of the future projections of the firm and its plan to do next is explained in this type of presentation. The long & short term goals are added to it.

Mode of Presentation.

The parts of delivery includes the way of presentation, vocal inflection,  perfect time pauses,facial expression & gesture. The speaker has to select the right mode of delivery for a presentation to express the ideas and opinions. There are four modes of delivery of the presentation:

1.Extemporaneous mode: The presenter takes help of the notes to make a presentation. It is effective in maintaining rapport and eye contact with the audience, to assess their response & reaction. This helps to modify the content or summarise the main points of the presentation.

2. Manuscript mode: In this mode the materials are written out and read out verbatim. This mode is helpful in presenting complex statistics or technical data.  The frequent eye contact with the audience can make this mode much more effective.

3. Memorization mode:  In this mode the speaker delivers the memorised speech. A considerable amount of practice can give the effect of spontaneity.

4. Impromptu mode: The impromptu mode, is on-spur- of- the – moment speaking or to deliver an informal speech without preparation. Politicians, parliamentarians, etc. are good examples to observe & follow, as they are considered experienced & successful speakers of this mode.

So, the mode of giving a presentation is something more than just speaking before the group of listeners. In short, a presentation is a collection of information which is organized in a way which is capable enough to demonstrate others.

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