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Savitribai Phule Pune University, Maharashtra
Computer Engineering
Web Technology
Savitribai Phule Pune University, Maharashtra, Computer Engineering Semester 6, Web Technology Syllabus
Web Technology Lecture notes
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Unit - 1 Web Essentials and Mark-up language- HTML
Unit 1
Web Essentials and Markup language HTML
1.1 The Internet
1.2 Basic internet protocols
1.3 The World Wide Web
1.4 HTTP Request message HTTP response message web clients web servers
1.5 HTML Introduction history and versions
1.6 HTML elements headings paragraphs line break colors and fonts links frames lists tables images and forms
1.7 Difference between HTML and HTML5
1.8 CSS Introduction to Style Sheet CSS features CSS core syntax
1.9 Style sheets and HTML Style rule cascading and inheritance
1.10 Text properties
1.11 Bootstrap
1.12 Case study Create a style sheet suitable for blogging application using HTML and using style sheet
Unit - 2 Client Side Technologies: JavaScript and DOM
Unit 2
Client Side Technologies JavaScript and DOM
2.1 JavaScript Introduction to JavaScript JavaScript in perspective
2.2 Basic syntax variables and data types
2.3 Statements operators literals
2.4 Functions
2.5 Objects
2.6 Arrays
2.7 Built in objects
2.8 JavaScript debuggers
2.9 DOM Introduction to Document Object Model
2.10 DOM history and levels
2.11 Intrinsic event handling
2.12 Modifying element style
2.13 The document tree
2.14 DOM event handling
2.15 jQuery
2.16 Overview of AngularJS
2.17 Case study Enhancement in created blogging application using JavaScript Add Entry feature
Unit - 3 Java Servlets and XML
Unit 3
Java Servlets and XML
3.1 Servlet Servlet architecture overview A “Hello World” servlet
3.2 Servlets generating dynamic content
3.3 Servlet life cycle parameter data
3.4 Sessions
3.5 Cookies URL rewriting
3.6 Other Servlet capabilities data storage Servlets concurrency
3.7 Databases MySQL and Java Servlets
3.8 XML XML documents and vocabularies
3.9 XML declaration
3.10 XML Namespaces
3.11 DOM based XML processing
3.12 Transforming XML documents
3.13 DTD Schema elements attributes
3.14 AJAX Introduction
3.15 Working of AJAX
3.16 Case study Develop serverside code for blogging application
Unit - 4 JSP and Web Services
Unit 4
JSP and Web Services
4.1 JSP Introduction to Java Server Pages
4.2 JSP and Servlets
4.3 running JSP applications
4.4 Basic JSP
4.5 JavaBeans classes and JSP
4.6 Support for the ModelViewController paradigm
4.7 JSP related technologies
4.8 Web Services Web Service concepts
4.9 Writing a Java Web Service Writing a Java web service client
4.10 Describing Web Services WSDL
4.11 Communicating Object data SOAP
4.13 Struts Overview
4.14 Architecture
4.15 Configuration
4.16 Actions
4.17 Interceptors
4.18 Result types
4.19 Validations
4.20 Localization
4.21 Exception handling
4.22 Annotations
4.23 Case study Transform the blogging application from a loose collection of various resources servlets HTML documents etc. to an integrated web application that follows the MVC paradigm
Unit - 5 Server Side Scripting Languages
Unit 5
Server Side Scripting Languages
5.1 PHP Introduction to PHP
5.2 Uses of PHP
5.3 General syntactic characteristics Primitives
5.4 Operations and expressions
5.5 Output
5.6 Control statements
5.7 Arrays
5.8 Functions
5.9 Pattern matching
5.10 Form handling
5.11 Files
5.12 Cookies
5.13 Session tracking
5.14 Using MySQL with PHP
5.15 WAP and WML
5.16 Introduction to ASP.NET Overview of the .NET Framework
5.17 Overview of C
5.18 Introduction to ASP.NET
5.19 ASP.NET Controls
5.20 Web Services
5.21 Overview of Node JS
5.22 Case study Use of PHP in developing blogging application
Unit - 6 Ruby and Rails
Unit 6
Ruby and Rails
6.1 Introduction to Ruby Origins uses of Ruby
6.2 Scalar types and their operations
6.3 Simple input and output
6.4 Control statements
6.5 Fundamentals of arrays
6.6 Hashes
6.7 Methods
6.8 Classes
6.9 Code blocks and iterators
6.10 Pattern matching
6.11 Introduction to Rails Overview of Rails
6.12 Document Requests
6.13 Processing Forms
6.14 Rails Applications and Databases
6.15 Layouts
6.16 Rails with Ajax
6.17 Introduction to EJB
6.18 Case study Study of dynamic web product development using ruby and rails
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