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Savitribai Phule Pune University, Maharashtra
Electronics and Telecommunications
Data Structures
Savitribai Phule Pune University, Maharashtra, Electronics and Telecommunications Semester 3, Data Structures Syllabus
Data Structures Lecture notes
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Unit - 1 Introduction to C Programming
1.1 C Fundamentals Constants Variables and Keywords in C Operators Bitwise Operations
1.2 Decision Control and Looping Statements
1.3 Arrays Pointers Arrays Functions Recursive Functions Pointers String Manipulations Structures Union Enumeration MACROS.
1.4 File Handling File Operations Open Close Read Write and Append.
Unit - 2 Searching and Sorting Algorithms
2.1 Algorithms Analysis of Iterative and Recursive algorithms Space Time complexity Asymptotic notation BigO Theta and Omega notations.
2.2 Searching methods Linear Binary and Fibonacci Search.
2.3 Sorting methods Bubble Insertion Selection Merge and Quick Sort.
Unit - 3 Stack and Queue
3.1 Stack Concept Basic Stack operations Array representation of stack Stack as ADT
3.2 Stack Applications Reversing data Arithmetic expressions conversion and evaluation.
3.3 Queue Concept Queue operations Array representation of queue Queue as ADT Circular queue Priority Queue
3.4 Applications of queue Categorizing data Simulation of queue.
Unit - 4 Linked List
4.1 Concept of linked organization
4.2 Singly Linked List
4.3 Stack using linked list
4.4 Queue using linked list
4.5 Doubly Linked List
4.7 Linked list as ADT
4.8 Representation and manipulations of polynomials using linked list
4.9 Comparison of sequential and linked organization.
Unit - 5 Trees
5.1 Introduction to trees Basic Tree Concepts.
5.2 Binary Trees Concept Terminologies Representation of Binary Tree in memory Traversing a binary tree.
5.3 Binary Search Trees BST Basic Concepts BST operations Concept of Threaded Binary Search Tree
5.4 AVL Tree Basic concepts and rotations of a Tree.
Unit - 6 Graphs
6.1 Graph Basic Concepts terminology.
6.2 Representation of graphs Adjacency matrix Adjacency list
6.3 Operations on graph Traversing a graph.
6.4 Spanning trees Minimum Spanning tree Kruskal’s Algorithm Prim’s Algorithm and Dijkstra’s Shortest
6.5 Path Algorithm.
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Other Subjects of Semester-1
Digital circuits
Electrical circuits
Electronic circuits
Engineering mathematics - iii
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