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Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University
Electrical Engineering
Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Electrical Engineering Semester 1, Chemistry-I Syllabus
Chemistry-I Lecture notes
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Unit - 1 Atomic & molecular structure
Unit – I
Atomic molecular structure
1.1 Molecular orbital Theory Equations for atomic and molecular orbital’s LCAO
1.2 Energy level diagram of homo H2N2O2 F2 Heteromolecules CONO HF
1.3 Concept of bond order
1.4 Pi‐molecular orbitals of butadiene Benzene and Aromaticity
1.5 Crystal Field Theory Splitting of dorbital of octahedral and tetrahedral complexes
1.6 Energy level diagram of transition metal ion magnetic property
1.7 Numerical based on Crystal field stabilization energy
Unit - 10 Strategies for synthesis of organic compounds
Unit X
Strategies for synthesis of organic compounds
10.1 Reactive intermediates substitution
10.2 Elimination
10.3 Kinetic and thermodynamic aspects
10.4 Role of solvents
Unit - 2 Spectroscopic techniques and applications
Unit – 2
Spectroscopic techniques and applications
2.1 Principle of spectroscopy
2.2 Electronic Spectroscopy Ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy
2.3 Spectrophotometer line diagram
2.4 Electronic Spectroscopy Ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy Theory Types of electronic transition Chromophore auxochromes Electronic excitation in conjugated dienes Absorption Laws applications on quantitative analysis Simple numerical based on absorption laws and uses or application of Electronic Spectroscopy
2.5 Vibrational spectroscopy Infrared spectroscopy Molecular vibration Selection rule functional group region fingerprint region and uses or application of Vibrational spectroscopy
2.6 Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy Introduction number of signal chemical shift Spin‐spin coupling and uses or application of Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Unit - 3 Use of free energy in Chemical Equilibria
Unit – III
Use of free energy in Chemical Equilibria
3.1 Thermodynamic Functions Energy
3.2 Entropy
3.3 Free energy
3.4 Estimations of entropy and free energies
3.5 Nernst Equation its application to voltaic cell
3.6 Relation of free energy with EMF
3.7 Galvanic series
3.8 Galvanic corrosion
3.9 Differential aeration corrosion
3.10 Pitting corrosion This type of corrosion occurs at certain conditions there is a accelerated corrosion in some areas rather than the uniform corrosion over the substance. This condition includes low level of concentration of oxygen or high concentration of chlorides.
3.10 Water line corrosion
3.11 Caustic embrittlement
3.12 Factors affecting corrosion
3.13 Cathodic Protection
Unit - 4 Periodic Properties
Unit – 4
Periodic Properties
4.1 Periodic table
4.2 Atomic and ionic radii
4.3 Ionization energies
4.4 Electron affinity
4.5 Electronegativity
4.6 Effective nuclear charge
4.7 Penetration of orbital’s
4.8 Variations of s p d and f orbital energies of atoms
4.9 Polarizability
4.10 Oxidation states
4.11 Coordination numbers and geometries
4.12 Hard soft acids and bases Classification Pearsons HSAB principle its applications limitations
4.13 Molecular Geometry Valence shell electronpairrepulsiontheorytoNH3 H3O SF4 CIF3 ICl2 and H2O
4.14 Numerical based on effective nuclear charge
Unit - 5 Organic reactions and synthesis of drug molecule
Unit 5
Organic reactions and synthesis of drug molecule
5.1 Introduction to reactions involving substitution free radicalChlorination of molecule Gomberg reaction Wurtz reaction Electrophilic NucliophilicSN1 SN2
5.2 Addition Electrophilic–Morkownihoff rule Nuclophilic Elimination α elimination β elimination unimolecular E1 bimolecular E2
5.3 Oxidation Baeyer Villiger oxidation
5.4 Reduction Clemmensen reduction Wolff‐ Kishner reduction
5.5 Cyclization Bergman Cyclization
5.6 Ring openings and rearrangement reaction Beckmann Reimer Tiemann reaction Cannizaro crossed cannizaro reaction
5.7 Synthesis of a commonly used drug molecule General guidelines of drug making
5.8 Synthesis of Aspirin
Unit - 6 Introduction to quantum theory
Unit VI
Introduction to quantum theory
6.1 Schrodinger equation its importance
6.2 Wave mechanical model for many electron atoms‐radial distribution curves
Unit - 7 Chemical bonding in molecules
Unit 7
Chemical bonding in molecules
7.1 MO theory Structure
7.2 Bonding and energy levels of bonding and shapes of many atom molecules
7.3 Coordination Chemistry
7.4 Electronic spectra and magnetic properties of complexes with relevance to bioinorganic chemistry
7.5 Organometallic chemistry
Unit - 8 Stereochemistry
Unit 8
8.1 Introduction to Stereochemistry Representations of 3 dimensional structures
8.2 Chirality
8.3 Optical activity Certain substance have strange behavior. When a PPL is passed through the solution of such substance the light coming out of the solution is found to be on different plane. The PPL is rotated. The angle of rotation of PPL is known as the optical rotation. The substance which rotate the PPL to clockwise direction or right direction are dexorotatory while the vice versa is called as the levo rotatory. Substance which do not rotate the PPL are said to be optically inactive.
8.4 Isomerism‐ structural isomerism
8.5 Stereoisomers
8.6 Enantiomers
8.7 Diastereomers
8.8 Configurations D L R S
8.9 Geometrical isomerism cis and trans E and Z
8.10 Racemic modification the irresolution
8.11 Isomerism in transitional metal compounds
8.12 Conformational analysis Conformations of cyclic cyclohexane and acyclic compounds ethane butane
Unit - 9 Reactivity of organic molecules
Unit IX
Reactivity of organic molecules
9.1 Organic acids and bases factors influencing acidity
9.2 Basicity and nucleophilicity of molecules
9.3 Kinetic vs. Thermodynamic control of reactions
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