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University of Mumbai, Maharashtra
Retail Management
University of Mumbai, Maharashtra, Marketing Semester 6, Retail Management Syllabus
Retail Management Lecture notes
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Unit - 1 Retail Management- An overview
1.1 Retail management introduction and meaning
1.2 Significance
1.3 Factor influencing retail management
1.4 Scope of retail management
1.5 Retail formats Concept of organized retailing
1.6 Factor responsible for the growth of organized retail in India
1.7 Multichannel retailing meaning and type
1.8 E tailing meaning advantages and limitations
1.9 Emerging trends in retailing Impact of globalization in retailing
1.10 IT in retail importance advantages and limitations
1.11 Applications of IT in retail
1.12 FDI in retailing Meaning
1.13 Need for FDI in Indian retail scenario
1.14 Franchising Meaning
1.15 Types
1.16 Advantages limitations
1.17 Franchising in India
1.18 Green retiling
1.19 Airport retailing
Unit - 2 Retail Consumer and Retail Strategy
2.1 Retail consumershopper Meaning of retail shopper
2.2 Factor influencing retail shoppers
2.3 Changing profile of retail shoppers
2.4 Market research as a tool for understanding retail markets and shoppers
2.5 CRM in retail Meaning
2.6 Objective
2.7 Customer retention approaches
2.8 Retail strategy meaning
2.9 Steps in developing retail strategy
2.10 Retail value chain
2.11 Store location selection meaning
2.12 Types of retail locations
2.13 Factor influencing store location
2.14 HRM in retail meaning
2.15 Significance
2.16 Functions
2.17 Organization structure in retail meaning
2.18 Factor influencing designing organizational structure
2.19 Organization shape for small store single stores independent retailers and Retail store chaindepartmental store
Unit - 3 Merchandise Management and Pricing
3.1 Merchandising management concept
3.2 Types of merchandise
3.3 Principles of merchandising
3.4 Merchandise planning meaning
3.5 Process
3.6 Merchandise category Meaning
3.7 Importance
3.8 Components
3.9 Role of category captain
3.10 Merchandise procurementsourcing Meaning
3.11 Process
3.12 Source for merchandise
3.13 Buying functions meaning
3.14 Buying cycle
3.15 Factor affecting buying functions
3.16 Functions of buying for different types of organization
3.17 Young and rubicam’s brand asset valuator
3.18 Concept of lifestyle merchandising
3.19 Private label Meaning
3.20 Need importance
3.21 Private labels in India
3.22 Retail pricing Meaning
3.23 Consideration in setting retail pricing
3.24 Pricing strategies high low pricing meaning
3.25 Benefits
3.26 Everyday low pricing Meaning
3.27 Benefits
3.28 Market skimming
3.29 Market penetration
3.30 Leader pricing
3.31 Odd pricing
3.32 Single pricing
3.33 Multiple pricing
3.34 Anchor pricing
3.35 Variable pricing meaning
3.36 Types
3.37 Pricing discrimination meaning
3.38 Types
3.39 Individual variable pricing first degree cost
3.40 Self selected variable pricing Second Degree Price Discrimination
3.41 Clearance and promotional marketplace down
3.42 Coupons
3.43 Price bundling
3.44 Multiple unit pricings
3.45 Variable pricing by market segment Third Degree Price Discrimination
Unit - 4 Managing and Sustaining Retail
4.1 Retail store operations meaning
4.2 Responsibilities of store manager
4.3 The 5’s of retail operations
4.4 Store design meaning
4.5 Objectives
4.6 Principles
4.7 Element of interior and exterior store design
4.8 Store atmospherics and aesthetics
4.9 Store layout Meaning
4.10 Types
4.11 Signage and graphics
4.12 Significance
4.13 Concept of digital signage
4.14 Features areas meaning
4.15 Types
4.16 Visual merchandising Meaning
4.17 Significance
4.18 Tool used for visible merchandising
4.19 The idea of planogram
4.20 Display meaning
4.21 Methods of display
4.22 Errors in creating display
4.23 Mall management meaning
4.24 Components
4.25 Legal and ethical aspects of retailing License permissions required to start retail store in India
4.26 Ethical issues in retailing
4.27 Career options in retailing
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