UNIT – 4Culture Q1) Define Culture in the words of Dr. K.M. Munshi.A1) “The values of a culture are recaptured for each generation by a subtle process of re-interpretation, reintegration and adaptation. When the Culture is living, the promising young man and woman of the generation receive the impact of its fundamental values. The sensitive and the vigorous among them become each a human laboratory, which purifies the fundamental values relating them afresh to the central idea; stimulates them to meet the needs of the times; reintegrate the subsidiary values with the fresh vigour of the new interpretation and shapes the traditions and institutions not only without impairing the strength of the collective will, but by giving it a new edge.” – Kulpati Dr. K.M. Munshi Q2) Explain how culture is important in India.A2) The important part of the culture is the common outlook among the people in almost all the situations of life and their collective will to action. However, when the collective will to action is weak, the culture perishes. However, collective will among the people is not so strong to tackle the country’s problems. Hindus look up to Maharana Pratap or Guru Gobind Singhji and Muslims look up to Akbar and Aurangzeb. Hence, people’s attitude during the adversity differs from one community to another. The identity of a person is more important than giving importance on the differences to form a Nation. For instance, the majority should become tolerant towards the minority. When majority doesn’t accept the minority group then the culture dies along with the human inside. Q3) How culture can be imbibed in future generations?A3) The culture cannot be passed down from one generation to another easily. The values have to be imbibed from generation to generation and must be followed rigorously. As far as the people follows it, the culture would remain alive. The understanding of a culture is depended on the way it is being approached. To get a fair understanding of Indian culture we need to understand the conditions under which it evolved, understand how it came into existence, the forces that led to its growth, etc. Q4) What is culture? How does it come into existence?A4) Culture is the sum total of values expressed through art, religion, literature, social institutions and behaviour, the overt acts of individuals and mass action inspired by collective urges. A distinctive culture comes into existence when people develop a continuous way of life and this is expressed in many ways like common traditions and norms of conduct/institutions (marriage, family)/memory of triumphs achieved (Mahabharata fought at Kurukshetra between the Pandavas and Kaurvas). Wherever we go, there are certain code of conduct that we have to follow in India.Indians are a combination of various tribes. Before 2000 B.C. , the Aryans entered and spread over Asia and Europe. Aryans were originally from India and they are believed to re-enter India around 1500 B.C. For about the next five centuries they fought a war within themselves and with the Dasas, Asuras, etc. The Aryans brought with them the customs and beliefs and the culture which flourished slowly in different parts of the country.
UNIT – 4Culture Q1) Define Culture in the words of Dr. K.M. Munshi.A1) “The values of a culture are recaptured for each generation by a subtle process of re-interpretation, reintegration and adaptation. When the Culture is living, the promising young man and woman of the generation receive the impact of its fundamental values. The sensitive and the vigorous among them become each a human laboratory, which purifies the fundamental values relating them afresh to the central idea; stimulates them to meet the needs of the times; reintegrate the subsidiary values with the fresh vigour of the new interpretation and shapes the traditions and institutions not only without impairing the strength of the collective will, but by giving it a new edge.” – Kulpati Dr. K.M. Munshi Q2) Explain how culture is important in India.A2) The important part of the culture is the common outlook among the people in almost all the situations of life and their collective will to action. However, when the collective will to action is weak, the culture perishes. However, collective will among the people is not so strong to tackle the country’s problems. Hindus look up to Maharana Pratap or Guru Gobind Singhji and Muslims look up to Akbar and Aurangzeb. Hence, people’s attitude during the adversity differs from one community to another. The identity of a person is more important than giving importance on the differences to form a Nation. For instance, the majority should become tolerant towards the minority. When majority doesn’t accept the minority group then the culture dies along with the human inside. Q3) How culture can be imbibed in future generations?A3) The culture cannot be passed down from one generation to another easily. The values have to be imbibed from generation to generation and must be followed rigorously. As far as the people follows it, the culture would remain alive. The understanding of a culture is depended on the way it is being approached. To get a fair understanding of Indian culture we need to understand the conditions under which it evolved, understand how it came into existence, the forces that led to its growth, etc. Q4) What is culture? How does it come into existence?A4) Culture is the sum total of values expressed through art, religion, literature, social institutions and behaviour, the overt acts of individuals and mass action inspired by collective urges. A distinctive culture comes into existence when people develop a continuous way of life and this is expressed in many ways like common traditions and norms of conduct/institutions (marriage, family)/memory of triumphs achieved (Mahabharata fought at Kurukshetra between the Pandavas and Kaurvas). Wherever we go, there are certain code of conduct that we have to follow in India.Indians are a combination of various tribes. Before 2000 B.C. , the Aryans entered and spread over Asia and Europe. Aryans were originally from India and they are believed to re-enter India around 1500 B.C. For about the next five centuries they fought a war within themselves and with the Dasas, Asuras, etc. The Aryans brought with them the customs and beliefs and the culture which flourished slowly in different parts of the country.
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