Unit 3
Question banks: -
Q. 1. Discuss five factors that affect the values of property?
Q. 2.Expain with example five purpose of valuation?
Q. 3 what is depreciation? List out all method of depreciation and explain any one is detail?
Q. 4.Expain in brief of following term,
1) sinking fund.
2) years purchased rate.
3) leasehold property.
Q, 5. What is different method of details estimate? Explain centre line method and carryout detailed estimate and obtain the quantity for following fig
W = 1.5 x 1.2
W1 = 1.2 x 0.9
W2 = 0.9 x 1.05
V = 0.45 x 0.6
D = 0.9 x 2.1

Q, 6. Write three difference between the following,
1) Scrap value – salvage value.
2) Building lease – occupation lease.
Q. 7.Expain with example five purposes of valuation?
Q. 8. Define following:
1) market value.
2) book value.
3) Distressed value.
Q. 9. Explain meaning of price, cost, value and also discuss the purpose of valuation.
Q. 9.A person wish to sell his building at Rs, 15 lakh. The life of building may consider as 80 year and scrap value as 10℅.find the depreciation value on building if current age building is 20 year also at what price the building should be purchased.
Q. 10. Difference between estimation and valuation.
Q. 12.explain the straight line method and constant percentage method?
Q. 13.what is free hold property and leasehold property.
Q. 14 what is valuation and purpose of valuation and list out the method of valuation of building?