Light-Semiconductor Interaction
- In semiconductors electrons can make transitions between two energy states and create or extinguish photons in the process.
- In particular, transitions between the conduction band (EC) and the valence band ( EV) are optically active, as the lower conduction band generally consists of s-like states while the upper valence band contains of p-like states.
- Spontaneous emission, absorption, and stimulated emission can all take place between conduction band (EC) states and valence band (EV) states.

for a direct band gap
for an indirect band gap
I0 and c -- The constants.
E -- The energy loss
1.J.Singh, Semiconductor Optoelectronics: Physics and Technology, McGraw-HillInc.(1995).
2.B.E.A .Saleh and M. C.Teich, Fundamentals of Photonics, John Wiley &Sons, Inc.,(2007).
3.S.M.Sze, Semiconductor Devices: Physicsand Technology, Wiley(2008).
4.A.Yariv and P.Yeh, Photonics: Optical Electronic sin Modern Communications ,Oxford University Press, New York(2007).
5.P.Bhattacharya, Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices ,Prentice Hall of India(1997).
6. Engineering Physics by Dattu R Joshi, McGraw hill Publications.
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